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Showing posts from August, 2018

It's Not "Goodbye;" It's "See Ya Later."

Early Monday morning--after getting off the phone with my therapist (Hey Girl!)--I put on my big girl pants, opened my laptop, and typed a letter to my bi-costal acting manager stating my departure from the industry and, thus, his management company. It's been a long time coming. As I've continued to grow in ministry, I've become more and more selective about the projects I've auditioned for, even turning down a few things here and there in order to focus on my "call." My manager is so sweet and supportive, and has stuck with me as I've wrestled with this call into ministry (since 2015). As doors have continued to open up in academia, ministry, and beyond, I thought it best to bow out gracefully (for now). I'm truly grateful to have been able to share my life with thousands of people across the world--to perform on tours and do shows in amazing cities. I am a better preacher and minister because of my wonderful experiences in the theatre. I st

Just Say "No!"

Listen, Just because you are CAPABLE of doing 'abcxyz' does not mean it is CALLED FOR in a particular moment/setting/position. Always ask yourself: 1) Is this necessary? 2) Are my gifts being abused? 3) Is my spirit in alignment with what's being asked of me? I have many capabilities and I'm constantly learning to say "No." Because of my extensive performance background and various academic interests, I get asked to do many things that are sometimes intincing, sometimes annoying, yet often a departure from the tasks at hand. For example: I work at a church. I am temporarily over children's ministries. I preach from time to time and I teach often. What I do not do, however, on a regular or assigned basis is openly share my performance gifts. I quietly and subtly incorporate them into various parts of my ministry, but I was not hired to be a performer in this space, AND I AM OKAY WITH THAT! [ Read Blog on this! ] Thus, I've had to learn