Earlier today, I was admiring someone else's life, looking at how she seemed to "have it all"--great friends, a prosperous career path, boyfriend/fiancé/husband. God got me together real quick--s/he said, "Don't feed into popular fantasies. What looks good on the outside ain't always good on the inside. And even if it is, I SET YOU APART FOR A REASON! Trust me." Sometimes it's so hard for us to trust whatever higher power we believe in, let alone, ourselves. We find struggle in trusting our own journey. We look at other people's lives in order to create conventional benchmarks for our own. "Sarah went to such-n-such college." "So-and-So got married at 26." "Jane Doe just bought a house." "John Doe just made partner at 28." Let's not forget the pressure we get from family to do and/or be whatever. If we had nothing or no one to base our life path on, how many of us would dream bigger? Would w
The digital writing sanctuary of a storyteller, preacher, artist, educator, bourbon connoisseur and fermented grape lover. Eavesdrop on my conversations with (God) myself.